We do not need to wait for Giant company to sell us the AI computer. One can do it to your machine in 10 steps:
Experience the local AI services in your Mac. go to the share drive or scan the QR code download 3 files (you can check on the content, they are just text file):
1. setup_llm_ui.sh
2. requirements.txt
3. myrobot.py
By just make “setup_llm_ui.sh” executable, type the following command at the terminal (open applications > open utility > your will terminal app) of Apple Mac
chmod +x setup_llm_ui.sh
then run it with another command:
The Chatbot of your local AI will appear on http://localhost:8000 (you may need to manually open a web browser and navigate to localhost:8000 to access the UI after the script completes).
In case you have any problem, email us at [email protected] , or In case you are using Window or want to use more powerful chatbot, contact us too.
Enhance HR, business intelligence, customer service, etc.
Assist in education, financial literacy, etc.