Personal AI Address Privacy


We do not need to wait for Giant company to sell us the AI computer. One can do it to your machine in 10 steps:

  1. Download ollama in your Mac (
  2. Install ollama in your Mac
  3. At terminal > ollama run llama3 (if fails, the machine is not powerful encough, change to llama2)
  4. At terminal > python3.10 -m venv ~/chainlit
  5. At terminal > source ~/chainlit/bin/activate
  6. At terminal > cd ~/chainlit
  7. Copy all files in my share drive to dir chainlit
  8. At terminal > pip install -r requirements.txt
  9. Then at terminal > chainlit run
  10. Then at your localhost:8000, you will find your AI and interface with it

The shared drive for download

Experience the local AI services in your Mac. go to the share drive or scan the QR code download 3 files (you can check on the content, they are just text file):

1.⁠ ⁠

2.⁠ ⁠requirements.txt

3.⁠ ⁠

By just make “” executable, type the following command at the terminal (open applications > open utility > your will terminal app) of Apple Mac 

chmod +x

then run it with another command: 


The Chatbot of your local AI will appear on http://localhost:8000 (you may need to manually open a web browser and navigate to localhost:8000 to access the UI after the script completes). 

In case you have any problem,  email us at [email protected] , or In case you are using Window or want to use more powerful chatbot, contact us too.

The shared drive for download


Develop personal interactive AI avatars


Foster lifelong companionships between humans and AI


Ensure AI is owned by individuals, not corporations

Our Solutions


Personalized AI for tailored interactions.​


Clients retain ownership of their AI.


Focus on efficiency and utilize low-cost hardware.​

Latest AI Development

Incorporate cutting-edge GPT models like Claude 3.5 and advanced multi-agent setting

App Prototype Development:

Generative AI Business Services

Enhance HR, business intelligence, customer service, etc.

Generative AI Public Services

Assist in education, financial literacy, etc.

Subscription to Private AI Services:

Build Local AI

  • Service Includes
  • Setup Local LLM
    Install UI
    online services
  • Minimum Services Terms
  • 1 month
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Window 11 (16G unified RAM)
    Apple Mini (16G unified RAM)

Build private AI For professional

  • Service Includes
  • Setup Local LLM
    Install UI
    Build local RAG
    Domain specific services
    2 hrs. online training
    Office hr. online services
  • Minimum Services Terms
  • 3 months
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Window 11 (16G unified RAM)
    Apple Mini (16G unified RAM)
    With a Cloud account

Build Learning AI For Educator

  • Service Includes
  • Setup Local LLM
    Install UI
    Build local RAG
    Build AI Team
    5 AI Learning Subjects
    5 hrs. online training
    Office hr. online services
  • Minimum Services Terms
  • 6 months
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Window 11 (32G unified RAM)
    Apple Mini (32G unified RAM)
    With a Cloud account

Build private AI Companion

  • Service Includes
  • Setup Local LLM
    Install UI
    Build local RAG
    Build Learnable AI
    3 proactive AI services
    6 hrs. online training
    Office hr. online services
  • Minimum Services Terms
  • 12 months
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Window 11 (32G unified RAM)
    Apple Mini (32G unified RAM)
    With a Cloud account

Build personal AI

  • Service Includes
  • Setup Local LLM
    Install UI
    Build local RAG
    Designated AI services
    6 hrs. online training
    Office hr. online services
  • Minimum Services Terms
  • 12 months
  • Minimum Hardware Requirements
  • Window 11 (16G unified RAM)
    Apple Mini (16G unified RAM)